Saturday, 4 October 2008

Hello - well I think I've done it!!

I hope this is a reply to the blog we'll see if it appears, not sure if I'll remember how to get back in though.

Thought there would have been more comment here by now.

I still have to master the Wikki thingy! will work on that next.


Brian said...

Welcome Tessa, you're a marvel. Now there are 4 little bloggers.

xxx s said...

hells bells!
hi tessa, I nearly got through last night but was drygulched by indians.Anyway finally figured it at 0815 tuesday.
xxx s

Wee Mack's Mum said...

Well I would love to "DO" it but the damned thing won't let me in no matter what I do!
I will figure out if it kills me.

Brian said...

Welcome wee mac's mum.Looks as if you're in.