Thursday, 2 October 2008

At the shop

'In less than 3 years a small group of dedicated Angus Crafts Association members have taken a dusty, cobwebby, forgotten storeroom and created a unique and vibrant enterprise. By renovating the old Stable Block at the House of Dun we have not only created a modern retail environment but also pulled together as a team and become a strong and dynamic independent crafting cooperative. Each person continues to volunteer their specialist skills for a mutually beneficial purpose.

The result of our team effort is the Crafts of Angus Showcase and Shop – a gallery of locally-produced, handmade items entirely staffed and run by the makers of the products available on the shelves. Where each of us would fail individually, together we have succeeded in creating a profitable and unique enterprise of which we are all justifiably proud.'

This is part of our submission to Angus Council for their 'Angus Ambassadors Scheme'. It also summarises what the shop is.......and that's where I was today. We take turns of manning the till and being shopkeepers for a few days a month. House of Dun is a National Trust for Scotland property and attracts a fair number of visitors from all over the World. Today, they must have found somewhere else to go.

But I'm not complaining, the carrot, corriander and ginger soup, followed by a cake from the Table of Temptation of Cafe Dun made my day. Janet McF and I also had a grand chat about future press releases, what was on offer at the Table of Temptation, and we also had time to sort out the World's financial crisis. So, what a day we had!

Soon, I hope to turn this blog into a'team blog' but I'll need to find out how to do it.

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