Thursday, 19 March 2009

Lady Augusta's Cross Country Run

We were late going to see the snowdrops this year. Their glory had waned by the time we got there and their usual blanket of white was a dull slushy off-cream.......our fault. The grounds of House of Dun are wonderfully tranquil for a Sunday stroll in winter or early spring when there's no one there but us. That's what we were hoping for on Sunday. Alas, the place was overrun! It was like the Kingston Bridge any evening between 4-6. Both car parks were full, there were cars on all the verges (eeeee Gods John!), a luminous chap was directing traffic (there was a 'jam' on the drive, thankfully it didn't spread), and hundreds of unhealthy looking and unattractive folk in shorts and vests were running 'cross country'. They were all over the place with numbers round their necks....... like plucked chickens. This did not look like a particularly pleasant pastime to me. Most of the runners, especially the older ones who should have known better, looked, well, hellish. I'm sure they must look fine fully clothed and in puff.......but, ach who am I to comment? I only run to seed, old age, and cynicism. We really should have had the shop open and these people should have forced to spend an hour worshipping at Janet's 'Table of Temptation'. I'm off to have a lie down with a custard cream.

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